
Perpetual student, living back in the burbs.  Social media aficionado, sucker for local festivals and flair, fascinated by demographics and geography, happily addicted to technology.

I am a 26 year old Rochester native who has managed to explore some of the country and find that home is where the heart is.  I have a degree in libral arts with a concentration in public relation studies.  Currently working for a communications company while I wait to get back into the media game.  This blog is dedicated to keeping me connected to my love of writing but also share some of the cool stuff I cool stuff I come across in my life.

I don’t cook, but I bake.  I do freelance make-up artistry from time to time, but I hate taking the time to do my own.  I wish I could be a fashionista, but there isn’t too many designers that will make my size.  I am happy go lucky with a sarcastic attitude.  I like to see the glass half full with spoiled milk.  I love when the mundane is fantastic.  I live for the drama of other people’s lives but I never stir the pot, and want my circle drama-free.  There are many things that are super nerdy about my, but I like to fly that flag low.

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